NAMS Statement - Menopause Hormone Treatment

by Sue McKinney August 28, 2020 2 min read

NAMS Statement - Menopause Hormone Treatment

I saw an interesting article recently about how the medical industry is re-classifying menopausal hormone treatment. This came about after new research showing an increase in women who are suffering with hot flashes well into their mid to late 60s. Not long after this, The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) issued their statement on the subject too. 

The statement from Wulf Utian, M.D., Medical Director for NAMS says: ”The official position of NAMS is that there shouldn’t be hard and fast rules against hormones after age 65. Yes, there may be safety concerns, and the Society does recommend that a woman use the lowest dose of hormones for the time appropriate to meet her needs. But we know that, under some circumstances, hormone therapy can be appropriate for women over 65, such as those instances when the benefits of treating hot flashes outweigh the risks or when a woman has a high risk of bone fractures and can’t take other bone drugs or can’t withstand their side effects.” 

Doesn’t sound like an ideal solution does it? 

Many of the guidelines today still recommend that women should not use hormones ten years after the menopause or for more than three to five years after the age of sixty.  So what about all the women who do not fall into this age group? Not to mention the countless nasty side effects. The menopause health article then goes on to say how menopause has “gone off the radar” – Really? but when has menopause ever been on the mainstream radar? 

These types of studies for-and-against hormone therapies for menopausal women just bolster our cause and emphasize the enormous gap in the market for an effective product like Crila® – a hormone and estrogen free natural herb, with virtually no side-effects. Clinical studies have shown positive results in over eighty-nine percent of men, over seventy-nine percent of women, plus countless testimonies from menopausal women telling us how Crila® has “changed their life” 

If like many women you’re reading these articles and feeling deflated at the lack of choices available, and the obvious lack of investment going into finding new alternative choices, then just take a minute to read about Crila®. Read our testimonials and try our product, which offers a money back guarantee.

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